Thursday, September 10, 2009

2 months in

2 months in, and it's still not easy to get up at 5AM on tuesdays and thursdays...A.P. how do you do it??? I'm exhausted (or is that from the cat waking me up 20x per night??)

Besides being exhausted, I feel great, though. My pants all fit now, and I even bought a few tops this weekend...and a pair of jeans ON SALE (I haven't fit in a pair of sale jeans in quite a while.) the almost passing out every Tuesday is getting easier to handle, since I know it means I can fit in my clothes.

Believe it or not, I have not skipped even one bootcamp session yet. the way I figure it, I will be missing 3x in October for trips, so I'm saving it up for then.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

slip sliding away

I am seriously considering eating ice cream for dinner tonight. I know it's partly a reaction to my feeling crappy about my life, but I'm at the point where it just doesn't seem to matter. I don't know how to stop the backward slide....

Friday, August 7, 2009

Weigh-in tomorrow

I'm freaking out. I wish it were tonight, so I could just get it over with! I'm stressing over what to do for the next 20 hours. Should I go to the gym tonight? Should I weigh myself tonight to see if I am on track? should I stop drinking water? Should I go to my regular class tomorrow before the weigh in or should I just sit in the sauna so I can skip breakfast??? should I skip eating for the rest of the day today???

This is crazy. I wouldn't even be worrying about this if it wasn't for my team, but I don't want to let them down. Maybe I will have to just see what my weight is tonight and judge from there how drastic I need to be tomorrow. all I know is, I have to at least have those 5 lbs off for the weigh-in. If not, I am going to be very, very sad and embarrassed!

Monday, August 3, 2009

One month of summer left to go!

With one month of summer left to go (well, not in the south, but in the civilized world..) I am trying to figure out how I'm going to keep eating right to continue to lose or at least maintain my weight. I think i truly do have the working out thing solidified - at least for now - but the caloric intake part is going to be tough. There are a lot of things I've cut out of my life this summer that I really just don't want to cut out altogether: beer, wine and cheese night, my awesome cooking... Not sure what to do about it besides just keep trying to count or guesstimate my calories and work on a budget system. Hopefully, the excercise will help me maintain, but I know it's not really going to help me lose any weight.

I do know that I can't continue everything - that would have me in divorce court! Every time my spouse brings home some sort of craft wheat beer telling me he got it for me, since he knows I will only drink 'light' beer, I want to club him on the head - even though in his mind, he is being a good guy. Instead, I'll just need to stay firm in the areas I know I can maintain and stop blaming him for unconsciously sabotaging me...

Last week, my S-I-L told me about an article she read recently that said women over 40 need to work out at least 4 days a week just to maintain their current weight...that depressed me, but at least I know what I am dealing with now. I looked for the article online but couldn't find it. I did find this one, though, which is a 2 minute read about weight loss tips. I liked the part about sleeping : )

Have a great week everyone - I am pushing until my Saturday weigh-in!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I GAINED 2 lbs.!! now I'm only down 3 lbs and and my weigh -in is in a week and a half. How could one or two nights of wine and food do so much damage? I tried to keep my portions small. It must have been that twix bar the guy on the plane gave me. SO frustrating, considering it took 7 weeks to get it off, and only 3 days to gain half of it back.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Just getting started

Well, I'm finally jumping on the bandwagon and trying to get my fat ass in shape. (Wait, is that negativity allowed on the blog?) Planning to go for a nice walk or a yoga class tonight to jump start my program. Wish me luck.